A little shake

595 2


Dave McLean

Great shot! Nice bright eye, which I always have trouble getting...

A beautiful bird that I have not been fortunate enough to find - not often seen along the St. Lawrence. Great perch on the red pine. The bird is sharp and stands out well, isolated against the background. The fluffed-out look just makes this shot that much better. Congratulations!

The Black-backed Woodpecker is an uncommon woodpecker from the northern coniferous forests. This species is being seen in the Ottawa area for a few years now which is great news as they are beautiful birds. I have been taking the same trail on a daily basis for the past two months hoping to have a glance at this gorgeous bird but no chance to capture it. Yesterday was my lucky day with this guy.
Taken By
Jeannine St-Amour
Taken On
March 6, 2015
black-backed woodpecker ottawa
  • Focal: 260
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6
  • ISO: 320

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